Orbital Welding

Our company offers orbital welding of stainless steel piping, in the range of diameters 6-168 mm. We carry out welding works in accordance with the cGMP rules of the pharmaceutical industry.
For pipelines with a diameter of ≤ 114 mm we use closed heads Orbitec OSK 76GW, while for pipelines with a diameter > 114 mm we use open heads Orbitec OSW 1. Welding heads are controlled by micro-process controllers with registration of the parameters of all seams.
Tube sheets of pharmaceutical heat exchangers are welded by the means of Orbitec RBK 20 automatic heads. The quality of the welding seams is examined inside the pipelines using an Everest XL VU borescope, with a probe length of 7 m and a diameter of 6 mm.